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Density Measurement Sensor


Whether for a new or existing installation, the Density Measurement Sensor easily installs on the OPW Magnetostrictive Probe. Combining industry-leading accuracy for water, product and density measurement, the SiteSentinel® family Density Measurement Sensor uses a single magnetostrictive in-tank probe assembly.

The sensor continuously measures the density of the fuel in the tank, providing a measure of even the smallest changes in product quality within the API density range. Fuel density reports can be displayed real-time on the SiteSentinel® family of controllers or exported to an external display. The density readings can be configured to either nominal or temperature-corrected density.

Features & Benefits
  • Accurate - Uses float displacement, taking advantage of the precision and accuracy of the magnetostrictive probe’s level measurement which is capable of detecting changes of 0.0005 inches (0.0127 mm)
  • Installation - Density and level measurement combined on one IS channel
  • Integration - As with every OPW tank gauge component, the density sensor works seamlessly with the SiteSentinel® family of products
  • Savings - Easily retrofitted to new and existing in-tank SiteSentinel® 924B level probes, providing an economical solution to ensure continuous product quality
  • Trouble-free design
  • Easy to retrofit to existing in-tank level probes (SiteSentinel® 924B Probe)
  • Density and level measurement combined on one IS module position connection without the need for a dedicated input channel or additional wiring
  • Fits through the same 2" (5 cm) opening in the tank that’s used by the probe
  • Economical solution to ensure continuous product quality
  • Four (4) probes (with density sensor) per I.S. Channel (SiteSentinel® Integra 100™ and SiteSentinel® iSite™)
  • Dedicated density probes can support three (3) density sensors per probe to ensure product quality – not available with level measurement

  • Provide real-time, accurate density information
  • Displays density in kg/m3, g/cc or API
  • Applicable in petroleum products designed for both underground (UST) and aboveground (AST) rigid probe applications
  • Single sensor per standard in-tank probe or multi-sensor for dedicated triple-sensor density probe

Recommended products for replacement

    Technical Information


    • Material: Nitrophyl, Delrin and Stainless Steel Spring
    • Resolution: 0.00004 g/cc
    • Accuracy: ±0.0025 g/cc
    • Density Range: 0.6 – 1.0 g/cc
    • Operating Temperature: -40° to 140° F (-40° to 60° C)
    • Dimensions: 2" (diameter) x 11" (5 cm [diameter] x 28 cm)
    • Number of Sensors Per iSite™ System: One per probe or multi-sensor dedicated probe equipped with 3 sensors

    Proven Magnetostrictive Technology

    • Supports extended operating temperature range: -40º to 140º F (-40º to 60º C)
    • Compatible with gasoline, diesel and other approved fluids

    Magnetostrictive Probe Data

    • Measures product level changes to a resolution of 0.0005" (0.0127 mm)
    • Measures product temperature changes to a resolution of 0.001° F (0.0005° C)
    • Measures water level changes to a resolution of 0.01" (0.254 mm)
    • Linearity over the entire probe length is ± 0.04" (1 mm)

    Probe Specifications

    • Type: Magnetostrictive/Float
    • Material: All Stainless Steel Construction, Aluminum Cap
    • Location: Hazardous, Class 1, Division 1, Group D
    • Probe Inputs: Intrinsically Safe
    • Probe Power Supply: 12 VDC Nominal
    • Level Precision: ± 0.0005" (0.0127 cm)
    • Level Accuracy: ± 0.04" (1 mm)
    • Temperature: ± 0.9° F (± 0.5° C)
    • Temperature: 5 RTDs
    • Temperature Range: -40º to 140º F (-40º to 60º C)
    • Data Cable: 1000' (300 m) Belden 88760 or 500' (150 m) max. Belden 88761 equipped with 3 sensors.
    Ordering Information

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