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Bottom Drop Hopper Tee


Bottom Drop Tee that is heavy-duty, abrasion resistant and easy to open and close. Manufactured to withstand demanding  transportation applications and built to haul those highly abrasive materials.

Features & Benefits
  • Simple to use - Patent pending latch mechanism provides easy opening and closing while still allowing maximum product flow through the bottom opening during a gravity drop or clean out.
  • Extended Wear - Additional pads in higher wear factor areas to significantly improve longevity. Reversible mounting and wear indicator allow for maximum product utilization
  • Technology Driven Analysis - Innovative engineering using Flow Analysis software to realize optimal product flow

Recommended products for replacement

Ordering Information

TR-510PP: 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Plain-to-Plain

TR510PP-PC: 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Plain-to-Plain Powder Coated

TR-510GG: 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Groove-to-Groove

TR-510GG-PC: 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Groove-to-Groove Powder Coated

TR-510GP: 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Groove-to-Plain

TR-510GP-PC: 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Groove-to-Plain Powder Coated  

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Image Item Description
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TR-510GG 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Groove-to-Groove
TR-510GG-PC 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Groove-to-Groove Powder Coated
TR-510GP 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Groove-to-Plain
TR-510GP-PC 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Groove-to-Plain Powder Coated
TR-510PP 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Plain-to-Plain
TR510PP-PC 5" Iron Bottom Drop Tee, Plain-to-Plain Powder Coated

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