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Replacement Hinged Hydrant Pit Lids


Liquip have partnered with AMEC Europe to offer customers replacement hinged hydrant pit lids for customers located in Australia or the South Pacific.


Features & Benefits
  • 20” Al- alloy lid.
  • Hinge lid design. 
  • 180° lay flat down operation.
  • Light weight design
  • Lift force weight <= 8.00 kg.
  • Replace CAVOTEC lay flat hinge lid.
  • Matching accuracy
    • no moving parts
    • accident prevention
  • Load tested
    • EN124-3: 2015
      • F900
    • FAA AC 150/5320-6D Appendix 3 - D
      • 900kn
  • Corrosion resistant suitable for use with or near De-Icing fluids, Salt, Water.
  • Fast delivery.

Recommended products for replacement

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